Shipping Policy

We offer free shipping on orders over $200 Canadian dollars (before taxes) within Canada, USA and select international countries*. For domestic, USA and select international countries on orders below $200 Canadian dollars (before taxes) we offer flat-rate shipping rates. For all other International orders, shipping is calculated at checkout. Once your order is placed, we will work diligently to ensure your order is processed and shipped to you as quickly as possible. Lobtree Outdoor Gear is not responsible for packages that are lost or stolen after the tracking shows that they are delivered.

Damages and issues
Please inspect your order when received and contact us immediately if the product is defective and/or damaged. We will do our best to make it right. 

NOTE: Your country, state, province, region, etc. may collect duties and/or taxes based on the value of the package in accordance with applicable regulations in your country/region. These duties/taxes are your responsibility and payment will be required on or before delivery. We are not responsible for any packages arrested at customs due non-payment of any such fees. In cases where your country’s customs returns a package to us and charges us any fees, all such fees will be deducted from your refund.
*We hope to add more countries in the future. The current list includes: UAE, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Czechia, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Switzerland, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Hong Kong SAR, Ireland, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Singapore.